C. E. Lawrence/Carole Bugge at her table of books (Middletown Thrall Library's Local Authors & Illustrators Showcase - Saturday, December 6. 2014)

​​​Pictures from the "Crime Writing Workshop with C. E. Lawrence" that was held on Wednesday, July 16th at the Stone Ridge Public Library, New York.

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C. E. Lawrence/Carole Bugge's Fantasy and Historical Fiction Class at the 53rd Cape Cod Writers Conference in Hyannis, Aug. 6-9th

C. E. Lawrence with Diane Dechillo, Director of Events at the Stone Ridge Public Library on Wednesday - September 17, 2014 (Crime Detectives: From Sherlock Holmes To CSI Event)

On Saturday, October 17, Madison Public Library and MWA-NY hosted the first-ever Bones & Scones reading event in Madison, New Jersey.


Pictures from C. E. Lawrence/Carole Bugge Boston Workshop on May 17, 2015.

Copyright 2022, C. E. Lawrence/Carole Lawrence/Carole Bugge/Elizabeth Blake. All rights reserved. 

Managed by Frank Goad, ThinkingOnIt.com

Carole and her fellow "Elementary, My Dear Watson." panelists at Heliosphere 2017, March 10-12.

​​​​Join some great authors and me in a recording of The Poisoned Pen bookstore's virtual gathering. A very entertaining event! You can also hear about my latest release, Death & Sensibility, the second in the Jane Auten Mystery series. Just click this link:The Poisoned Pen's Cozy Con, August 19, 2021

Carole participated in the panel discussion "Female Sleuths and Femme Fatales" at Grand Concourse Library on May 17, 2017.